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$5,745 - $6,510


Audia Flight Phono... Audia Flight Phono...
  • -9900
  • -$3,400

Audia Flight Phono Phonostage (Ex Demo)

$6,500 $9,900

Audia Flight Phono MM / MC Phono Stage

After 2 years of developing Audia Flight is proud to introduce his new phono preamp. A separate power supply, the dedicate input preamplifier boards, the high gain (74dB in his maximum selection), the low noise are only few of his characteristic. Of course the separate power supply was choice to improve the shield of the preamp and to reduce to zero the vibrations and resonance from the transformers.

Audia Flight FL Three S Integrated Amplifier (Ex Demo)


Audia Flight Three S Integrated Amplifier

After achieving big experience with the Flight Three and also with the Strumento line, Audia Flight is proud to introduce the Flight Three S integrated amplifier.

OPTIONAL BOARDS (can be retrofitted):
phono MC/MM (replaces analog Input 1);  AU$5,740.00Price

USB 24bit 192KHz DAC (becomes Input 6) AU$5,840.00Price